Monday 27 February 2012

Basic of business success- selling

Selling is the basic of all business success. Lay the foundations for successful selling by following long- term principles and practices and by developing skills.

In truly successful selling, everybody wins. Good salespeople make good deals for their people. Bad salespeople give bad deals with their customers. Customers who feel that they have made the right purchase will be likely to come back for more.

The win for salespeople is not just making the sale- the truly successful "win-win" consists of 
  • Creating a satisfied customer, 
  • Earning satisfactory profits for the company.
The degree of satisfaction depends on the real strength of the proposition offered and delivered. Salespeople's performance tends to be judged on sales volume alone, which is simple to calculate but can give a seriously misleading picture. This happens when, for example , the seller offers discounts or terms of trade that ultimately make that particular sale unprofitable.

The sales relationships most likely to result in a"win-win" is the supplier partnerships. Many companies are giving all or much of their business to one or two supplier partnerships and working closely with them. Any savings from the collaboration are often shared between two parties. To form such a relationship with another party you must invest time and effort in finding solution to their needs. Be prepared to share business plans, and to collaborate on research and development. Partnerships work best where power is balanced equally between the two parties. Where the purchaser dominates the relationship, take steps to strengthen your own position, and vice-versa.